Seach Makes Easy


Unix as an operating system is unique in many ways. Throughout the years Unix has been used as a tool by administrators.

In the beginning Unix was designed by experts for their own use; that is why in the early stages of development the ” average user ” or beginning users were never even considered and it seemed difficult for anyone who was not an expert to understand Unix. After many hours of debugging and re-programming Unix, the advantages of the system moved quickly in favor from expert to lower levels of usage so that others would understand how to use the system.

Now that the ” average user ” was happy for understanding and comprehending the Unix system programmers felt that even more improvements were needed to make the “completely confused” users feel comfortable.

Most Unix guru’s would say that Unix is the best operating system, and just like everything else there are people who say that Unix is not a high-quality operating system or that it lacks something that it will obliviously never have.

I think Unix is great for Servers because of its stability and dependability.

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